Susan Meiselas


Susan Meiselas


Traditional Indian dance mask from the town of Monimbo, adopted by the rebels during the fight against Somoza to conceal identity, Nicaragua. 1978. © Susan Meiselas/Magnum Photos

Artist website, Instagram

Paper size: 10 x 12 inches.

Open edition, unsigned.

Please be aware that this is not a typical ecommerce store. Every effort will be made to fulfill orders as quickly as possible, but depending on the number of orders we receive some may take several weeks or longer to arrive.





Traditional Indian dance mask from the town of Monimbo, adopted by the rebels during the fight against Somoza to conceal identity, Nicaragua. 1978. © Susan Meiselas/Magnum Photos

Artist website, Instagram

Paper size: 10 x 12 inches.

Open edition, unsigned.

Please be aware that this is not a typical ecommerce store. Every effort will be made to fulfill orders as quickly as possible, but depending on the number of orders we receive some may take several weeks or longer to arrive.